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Land Management means prescribed burns

The conditions were finally perfect yesterday to get some areas burned. We were very happy to finally get this safely accomplished this year. Burning areas on a rotating basis is something we try to practice every year. They used to be called ‘controlled burns’ now they are referred to as ‘prescribed burns’. I’m guessing that’s because when it comes to fire, you are not always in control and even a small change in the wind can have you scurrying to avoid calamity.

Regardless it is a good land management practice for a number of reasons. The fire helps manage weeds and other growth and thus helps to reduce the risk of wildfires, but it also can help restore nutrients and help lead to more desirable plant growth in the future. It can benefit fields as well as wooded areas.

Aside from all that, when you have a little ‘pyro’ in you, it can turn a lot of hard work into a little bit of fun.
